Supporting the Elkhart County SWCD helps to implement conservation and education throughout the entire county.

Would you like to financially support the Elkhart County Soil & Water Conservation District’s efforts in providing education and supporting conservation throughout the county? You can become an affiliate member to do just that!

Tier 1: Individual Membership

An annual membership of $25 or more. Your membership will be recognized in the Elkhart County SWCD annual report.

Tier 2: Business Membership

An annual membership of $125 or more. Your membership guarantees at least two business card sized ads in our monthly newsletter Grass Roots, recognition at our Annual Meeting, and once in the Elkhart County SWCD annual report.

Tier 3: Other Donation

Other donation amount set by you.

How do I sign up to be a member?

If you wish to become an Affiliate Member, please fill out the form below. By filling out the form below, you may pay by credit card or check.

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Contact Name
Please enter the affiliate name or company name as you wish it to appear in publications.
Please select an affiliate membership donation amount, if you would like to donate a different amount see below.
How would you like to pay for your Affiliate Membership Donation?

Be sure to include your name as you would like it to appear in the upcoming editions of Grass Roots, and your full mailing address.  For further information, contact the SWCD office at (574) 523-2030.

Thank you to our 2025 Affiliate Members!!!

Brookview Farms Partnership (Richard Brookins)*

Kuert Concrete, Inc. (Brad Webb) *

Sweet Corn Charlie Produce, LLC (Chuck & Tami Mohler)*

  • Aquatic Weed Control (Jim Donahoe)
  • B & A Reed Farms, LLC (Brent & Ashley Reed)
  • Campbell, Brian & Renee
  • Hess, Jim
  • Hibschman, Joe & Donna
  • Hinds, Mike
  • Hite, Steve
  • Lar-Lee Farms
  • Leer, Dale & Ruby
  • Lo-Ke Dairy (Keith E. & Lois Miller)
  • Neff, Michael & Annette
  • Rosenbury, Mark & Janet
  • Snider, Rich & Sue
  • Surveying and Mapping, LLC (SAM)
  • Weybright, Garry & Linda
  • Williams, David & Jean
  • Woodsbrook Farm (Michelle Blough)
  • Zell, Robert & Laura

*Second Tier/Business Members