What is the Stormwater Education Field Trip Incentive (SEFTI)?
SEFTI is an incentive program to promote water conservation education in Elkhart County made possible by the stormwater fee collected in unincorporated Elkhart County, the City of Elkhart, the City of Goshen, and the Town of Bristol and administered by the Greater Elkhart County Stormwater Partnership. The program pays for transportation costs for field trips to approved sites where students will learn about water resources within Elkhart County. Any teacher, administrator, or educator from an accredited K-12 school in Elkhart County is encouraged to apply.
The first step is to choose a field trip site. You will then schedule the field trip with the site host. Then fill out the application above and send it to Elkhart County SWCD for approval. Once approved, you’ll receive a letter stating that we’ll be responsible for the cost of transportation to your field trip. Submit your approval letter when you schedule your transportation (as normal) and your transportation office will bill us directly for the cost.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. If you know of a field trip within Elkhart County that you think should be approved, let us know and we’ll check if it qualifies.
Field trips included in the Stormwater Education Field Trip Incentive will have a corresponding approval letter with their transportation request. After receiving an approval letter with a transportation request, please send the invoice directly to the Elkhart County Soil and Water Conservation District for payment.
If you regularly hold field trips, believe your field trips fit within the scope of water related topics covered by the Stormwater Education Field Trip Incentive, and would like to be included on the approved field trip site list, please contact the Elkhart County Soil and Water Conservation District.
Approved Fieldtrip Sites
Site: Wellfield Botanic Gardens
Address: 1011 N. Main Street, Elkhart, IN 46514
Contact: Chrisi Cornell, Environmental Educator
Email: c.cornell@wellfieldgardens.org
Phone: 574-266-2006 ext. 106
Additional Costs: SEFTI covers transportation to Wellfield but there is a program cost as outlined below:
$60 for 10-30 students || $100 for 31-50 students || $150 for 51-75 students
Grade Level: Best suited for K-6, adaptable for all ages
Length of Program: Typically 2 hours, can be flexible
Number of Students: Groups of 75 or less preferred
Are trips weather dependent?: We like to have groups tour Wellfield in all types of weather, including rain and snow. Of course, if there’s lightning we’ll take proper safety precautions.
The Wellfield is a working well field, with 13 active wells on site, and providing most of the drinking water for our community. We offer educational programs for school students, private groups, lifelong learners and individuals of all ages. Our field trips focus primarily on water protection and environmental sustainability. Specific programs include collection of macroinvertebrates from Wellfield ponds to determine pollution tolerance of the species identified, EnviroScape community water demonstrations to explain stormwater management, and nature hikes to explore the history of the well field and the value of clean water to all living things.
We also offer additional science-based programs specific to water to meet curriculum needs and interests of individual schools and groups. If you don’t find a program that will work on the list below, contact Melissa Kinsey.
The Four Seasons: Groups are invited to visit the Wellfield 4 times each year, once in each season. They will explore how water impacts everything in our natural environment as the seasons change.
Garden Safari: Students explore the connection between plants, animals, and water. They learn how ground water travels through different soil types and where living things find the water they need.
Round and Round We Go: Students examine and compare the different stages of the life cycles of plants and animals through collection of macroinvertebrates.
Site: Any Elkhart County Park
Ox Bow, Bonneyville Mill, Cobus Creek, River Preserve, etc.
Contact: Marlene Lantzer, Administrative Office, Elkhart County Parks
Email: parksinfo@elkhartcounty.com
Phone: 574-535-6458
Additional Costs: SEFTI covers transportation to any county park for these programs. There is a $2 per student charge payable to Elkhart County Parks.
Grade Level: Best suited for grades 1-6, can be adapted for older groups
Length of Program: Typically 60-90 minutes
Number of Students: 1 class per naturalist (depends on staff availability)
Are trips weather dependent?: Programs are presented rain or shine
Wild About Wetlands: Students will find out why wetlands are important water resources, excellent stormwater buffers, and what animals and plants can be found there. Wetland dipping and exploration included!
Reptiles and Amphibians: Learn about local reptile and amphibian species, their life cycles, and how water quality and the health of their environment is crucial to their survival. Viewing and handling of live animals included!
Site: Elkhart Environmental Center
1717 E. Lusher Ave., Elkhart, IN 46516
Contact: Annie Klehfoth, Environmental Program Coordinator
Email: annie.klehfoth@coei.org
Phone: 574-293-5070
Additional Costs: SEFTI covers transportation to the Elkhart Environmental Center.
There is a $2/student charge if school is inside the City of Elkhart; $3/student charge if outside the City of Elkhart payable to the Elkhart Environmental Center.
Grade Level: Best suited for grades 4-12
Length of Program: Typically 60-90 minutes
Number of Students: 1 class per naturalist (depends on staff availability)
Are trips weather dependent?: Programs are presented rain or shine
Urban Water Conservation: Students will explore ways to conserve water in an urban landscape. Discussion on how much water is used indoors and how to conserve inside the house (stop drips, turn water off while brushing teeth, etc). Hands-on learning about outside urban conservation including rain barrels and rain gardens.