Pine Creek

Area: 16,400 ac.

HUC: 0405000123 (what is a Hydrologic Unit Code HUC?)

Pine Creek is a naturally occurring tributary of the St. Joseph’s River. The greater length of Pine Creek travels from Middlebury Township through Jefferson Township, eventually passing into Concord Township at the mouth. There are two types of soils associated with the Pine Creek watershed: Oshtemo-Fox association and The Riddles-Crosby-Miami association. In 1895, local residents were realizing the importance of good drainage and the potential of Pine Creek. In that year, the county was petitioned to clean and repair sections of Pine Creek. In 1972, the Elkhart County Drainage Board was petitioned for the reconstruction of Pine Creek. This project was subsequently rejected by the Drainage Board because it found that the costs, damage, and expenses of this proposed improvement will be less than the benefits which will result to the owners of lands benefited nearby. In 1981 a reconstruction project was approved and since that time there have been several maintenance projects on specific sections of the Pine Creek system to address landowners petitioned concerns.

How’s the water?

There are many ways that water quality can be tracked. Check out these helpful websites to look at data relating to water quality.

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