Donovan will be speaking on Thursday, August 22, 2024 at Pay Dirt IN-Field.
Donovan Wilczynski CESSWI
Environmental Compliance Specialist KERAMIDA Inc.
A Certified Erosion, Sediment & Stormwater Inspector (CESSWI) and Geologist with over 15 years of experience in Environmental Inspections in construction & industry, Mr. Wilczynski holds a B.S. in Geology from Ball State University.
As a consultant Mr. Wilczynski lead the eastern Indiana environmental inspection program for NIPSCO as the Environmental Compliance Specialist for the last year. Providing direct feedback to inspection field staff and functioning as a liaison between permitting, engineering, and construction field staff, as well as assisting with updating their Environmental Compliance documents to progress towards their goal of 100% compliance.
Mr. Wilczynski was the first INDOT Environmental Manager embedded in Construction at the district level, reporting directly to the Construction Director for LaPorte district. In this role he initiated and lead a multi-discipline working group including INDOT, Contractors [represented by Indiana Constructions, Inc (ICI)], and consultants [represented by American Council of Engineering Companies of Indiana (ACEC)] to update stormwater and erosion control guidance within the INDOT standard specifications, the design manual, standard drawings, construction memorandums, and Indiana Testing Method (ITM) 803. This endeavor lead to a reduction in unnecessary costs while increasing INDOT’s compliance, clarifying expectations, allowing more innovative technologies, and preparing for upcoming regulatory updates. Mr. Wilczynski’s experience at INDOT also included assisting with the review of all Storm Water Quality Control Plans (SWQCPs) for LaPorte District for over 6 years, and the review and verification of Storm Water Quality Manager inspections and audits for a 13 county area.
Mr. Wilczynski spent 4 years in the North Dakota Oil field as a geo-steering consultant completing horizontal wells in the Williston Basin’s Devonian-Mississippian Bakken and Three Forks formations.
Mr. Wilczynski has assisted with projects that involve geologic investigations and hydrogeologic assessments at Brownfields, CERCLA, LUST, RCRA, State Cleanup, Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP), Superfund, and Solid Waste sites. Mr. Wilczynski’s responsibilities on these projects included report creation, data evaluation, statistical analysis of laboratory data, and implementation of air, soil, and groundwater sampling programs for site characterizations, groundwater monitoring systems, hydrogeologic assessment reports, and soil vapor extraction system installation. Mr. Wilczynski has also worked on the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) development, implementation, and review.
Mr. Wilczynski has conducted numerous Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments on various industrial and commercial sites in Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois. These assessments included the identification of issues of historical environmental concern, the assessment of potential sources of contamination in both soil and groundwater, and the remediation of identified environmental contamination through the implementation of appropriate corrective action measures.