A cooperative effort to implement the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) plan of four local government entities in Elkhart County, Indiana.
What does the partnership do?
The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) plan includes six minimum control measures and outlines programs to improve the quality of stormwater that runs off of land and into rivers, lakes, and streams.
Six minimum control measures are addressed in the Greater Elkhart County Stormwater partnership Rule 13 Stormwater Quality Management Plant (SWQMP):
* These items are being implemented on a Partnership wide basis, with the Elkhart County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) coordinating these efforts. Construction Enforcement and other measures that are not marked are being addressed separately according to each governmental jurisdiction.
Each entity is responsible for Post Construction Stormwater Run-off, and Municipal Operations Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping within their jurisdiction. If you are looking for information that is specific to an individual entity, please click on their name above.
Meet the partners!
John Heiliger
MS4 Coordinator/Operator
Phil Barker
Elkhart Co. Surveyor
Todd Clark
Ryan Miller
Stormwater Specialist
Jason Kauffman
Stormwater Coordinator
Joe Foy
Stormwater Manager
Mark Lucas
Engineer Technician
Stormwater Board
The Elkhart County Stormwater Board (composed of the three County Commissioners and the County Surveyor) meetings are scheduled for the fourth Monday of each month and held at the Elkhart County Government Administration Building at 117 North Second Street in Goshen, immediately following the Elkhart County Commissioners meeting at 9:00am.
Want to add something to the agenda? Contact John Heiliger, Stormwater Coordinator,
Stormwater Assessment Fee
**This information was updated on 4/26/2018**
Elkhart County Stormwater Assessment Fee for non-residential parcels is calculated using the following equation:
[(Total Square Feet of Impervious Surface on Parcel) / 3600] * $15 = Stormwater Fee
*Note: 1 ERU (Equivalent Residential Unit) = 3600 square feet
To appeal your Stormwater Assessment Fee for real estate within Elkhart County, City of Elkhart, City of Goshen, and Town of Bristol (Indiana), please complete and submit the following form to:
John Heiliger, MS4 Coordinator
Elkhart County Surveyor
4230 Elkhart Road
Goshen, IN 46526
Petition to Appeal Stormwater Assessment Form – 2018 Revisions
History of the Partnership
This is a short version of how the Clean Water Act resulted in the formation of the Greater Elkhart County Stormwater Partnership. Go to Clean Water Act for a broader and more detailed look at this legislation or go to IDEM Stormwater for more information on Indiana’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Clean Water Act Phase I: The federal Clean Water Act requires storm water discharges from certain types of urbanized areas to be permitted under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. In 1990, Phase I of these requirements became effective, and municipalities with a population served by a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) of 100,000, or more, were regulated.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) – Phase I: In Indiana, storm water discharge permits are issued by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). Under Phase I requirements, only the City of Indianapolis met the designation criteria, and was issued an individual NPDES storm water permit.
EPA – Clean Water Act Phase II: In 1999, Phase II of the Clean Water Act became effective, and any entity responsible for an MS4 conveyance, regardless of population size, could potentially be regulated.
IDEM – Phase II: To comply with Phase II requirements, a new general NPDES permit rule was written. The new general permit rule, referred to as Rule 13, provided permit coverage for most Phase II MS4 entities: cities, towns, universities, colleges, correctional facilities, hospitals, conservancy districts, homeowner’s associations and military bases located within mapped urbanized areas, as delineated by the United States Census Bureau; or, for those MS4 areas outside of urbanized areas, serving an urban population greater than 7,000 people.
When officials in the Cities of Goshen and Elkhart, the Town of Bristol, and Elkhart County became aware of their need to comply with this regulation by submitting a Stormwater Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) to IDEM explaining how they would accomplish this, they agreed to work together. By submitting one plan they are able to save money, duplication, and unnecessary differences in policies within the county. Each entity has a Stormwater Board that controls how the funds generated in that jurisdiction are spent. The highest ranking elected official within the Partnership, the President of the Elkhart County Commissioners, serves as the Stormwater Operator. John Heiliger serves as the Stormwater Coordinator.
Stormwater Quality Management Plan
The Greater Elkhart County Stormwater Partnership Rule 13 Stormwater Quality Management Plan (SWQMP):